Yesterday was rather an interesting day for me. I was called downstairs to the reception area because someone wants to meet me. I was puzzled. Who on earth wants to meet me? at 4.00pm? So i went down and a lady was waiting for me and handed me a paperbag that has chocolates and perfume. Not just any perfume, it was Luscious Pink by Mariah Carey!! OMG! I have been looking (and wanting) that perfume! The lady said it was from a friend of mine, MK. MK, if you're reading this thank very very very much. :) Because i was kind of hungry that time, the chocolates were gone in less than 30 minutes hahaha. My Luscious Pink ;) And it's EDP (Eu de Parfum) Mariah's signature butterfly mark. I love my new scent. I have been wanting to get a new perfume this week but i guess i'll be saving some $$ :) If you were wondering what scent i was wearing before Luscious Pink it was Paco Rabanne's Black Xs, CK One Summer, and Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea. Yea, all of them are at their l...