Age Ain't Nothing But A Number

Yesterday was my birthday.. 14th January. The day i turn 27! yea, believe it or not i am 27 *sigh*. Mom made me a chocolate cake (my fav!) actually, i requested carrot cake with white frosting but maybe it slipped her mind, i dont know(?!). But the cake was SO goood omg! i had like 3 servings of cake last night. Everyone in my family was present except for my brother who coincidently had an on-call last night.. oh well, at least he's saving lives and thats more important than celebrating a birthday. Anyhoo, i was thinking this morning about all the food (and the many servings) that i had last night and it makes me sick in my stomach. So, to keep things well balanced, i brought fruits - papaya and grapes to work for lunch. Mau detox la konon...
TWENTEEE SEVEN sound so OLD! imagine, in 3 years time im gonna be THUUUURRRRRTEYYY (30!) tapi tidak apa, yang penting sa masi kiuttt hahaha. Lol!
Any kid thinks it's their birthday when there's cake with candles on it. That explains why that little kid's next to me
'Kill the cake' time
My sister, her daughter.. and me, si perosak gambar
Let's have some cake, shall we :-)
To all my dear friends, who have wished me a Happy Birthday on my birthday be it on Facebook, Friendster, through YM, email, sms, phone call, or in person.. THANK YOU! I love you guys! especially to my colleagues Nancy, Christie, Evelyn and Alex -- i love you guys even more! thanks for taking me out and treating me to Tg. Aru. And to all the presents that i got (and will be receiving real soon) again.. thanks (in advance)! have i said i love you enough? hahaha... LOVE YOU GUYS BUNCHES!


nc said…
happy 27th bifday. itu kah tu kek yg kami mkn tadi tu,, wa..memang nmpk yum yum..hehe
Unknown said…
hApPy birthdaY!! mwah2!
Anonymous said…
Gasp! Just what I need, a cake murderer! You know how many people would hire you in a heartbeat ka? :-)

I would, as I now have a THIRD large candle on my cakes! Arrghh!
Pammie Pajammie said…
i'd be more than willing to murder your cake! so hire me! hahah
thanks 4 being my follower..nice blog.. :-)

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