Decision.. Decision

Im gonna purchase one of these babies. But the thing is, i cant decide on which color. What do you think? which color is nicer?

♥ P.


Gallivanter said…
With that design, the best color that makes it stand out is the BLACK.
Pammie Pajammie said…
Thanks Gallivanter.. that was my first choice too but the more i look at the picture, its like the brown one is more enticing. Haiyo..
Kal-El said…
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Kal-El said…
get all colors, for different occasions :)
Uzoeiy @ Zoi said…
Dell, udah ko beli? wah, i love the white. but like Kal-El suggested, getit all! hahaha..
Pammie Pajammie said…
Belum lagi sa beli uzoi.. haha! kalu ikut hati mau juga sa beli suma tapi macam not worth it la mo beli suma.. better just buy 1. i think im going for the white :D MAYBE haha
gracie said…

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