For the Love of Cakes

I recently discovered that i am allergic to chocolates. CHOCOLATES! of all things!! everytime i eat them, my scalp will itch so bad, sometimes holding myself back from scratching it will be impossibly hard for me. So, i am abstaining myself from chocolates. Looking at the allergy in a different angle, i think it will bring me some good.. i mean, i am trying to shed some pounds so by not eating any of it i think it'll bring wonders to my body hehehe.

A cousin of mine, who is coming home from Australia this Dec with her family just asked me in her email whether i still eat chocolates. Maybe she wants to buy me chocolates? My sister told me to just say yes and she'll eat it for me haha..

Last night was two of my cousin's birthday. I told them and a bunch of my other cousins about my recent allergy and she said she almost bought chocolate cake instead of the carrot cake for her birthday. The other cake was cheese cake.. I was sugar high!! I just loooooovvvveee birthday cakes.

Mi familia

Beevy & Me.. lovin' our cakes..

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