Boys + PC

After dinner, i was startled when my mom suddenly, out of no where asked me about this one guy who ive had a crush on before. He knows ive been crushing on him but i dunno, its like every word i say to him keeps falling to the ground. For every question asked, i mostly answered "dunno" coz i was just too malas to answer things related to him. sakit hati, eh!

Lets change the subject, shall we?

Yesterday ive been having some computer problems. I installed the Bitdefender total security antivirus on my pc but i didnt like it. I find it 'unfriendly' so i decided to uninstall it..but it wasnt following my command as usual. then i discovered that i also couldnt open my internet explorer and my ym, couldnt double click an icon, and it jammed the pc. I never experienced this kind of problem before..*wondering* dunno whether it was a virus or technical malfunction of the computer.

So i came to a decision to format my computer (C:). I spent like, an hour or so just calling, and texting people on whether they can help me format my pc but all of them were super busy. what a coincidence, huh? A cousin of mine was willing to help me but it had to wait til the next day. Since i couldnt wait til tomorrow, i decided to take matters into my own hands. I main berani saja format my C: drive. Ive seen my bro do it a few times so i as i was formatting, i was recalling back what my bro did.

It turns out formatting wasnt as hard as i thought it would be. My computer is working oh so fine now thanks to myself hehehe. Im glad that i did it myself! it saved me rm50 plus i now know how to format a computer! yayyyy..(maybe to some of you who are pakar on this stuff, this is no biggie to ya'll.. but it IS to me okay :-P)


I guess thats all. i know ive got a lot of stuff to say but since im so sleepy now i cant think straight. Til the next entry,

Nite ya'll!!
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miaomiao said…
buli ajar la sa sdh ni kan? sa ni masi consider noob pasal formating.. muahahahahaha!! ;P
Pammie Pajammie said…
Buli ba kalo ko! hahahaa..
Anonymous said…
wahhh pammie haha.. gud gud ko ambik risk utk belajar sendiri. puas hati kan :P and also ko belajar new thing.

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