Reality bites

I was at sixtysix last night with all the Liew clan (my family). we had dinner and talked about general stuffs about life.. just updating ourselves with each other. After dinner we hang out near the monument. I wanted to take a picture of myself with the monument behind me, but what my aunt said really made me change my mind about taking my pic there. She said "ko tia takut ka nanti ko tingu gambar ko, ada yang duduk sebelah ko?" (aren't you scared when later you look back at your pic, "someone" is sitting next to you?) right after that, all of our ghost stories came pouring out. It was kinda one point i told them to stop coz it was giving me goosebumps..and being a scaredy cat that i am, that's not good hahahah.

It's going to be december soon, and i havent done any christmas shopping! I havent even completed my shopping list! need to get that done very soon. I hate doing last minute shopping, plus the traffic jams will be so bad i hate to be stuck in traffic.

The amazing race asia is back!! and i missed the 1st episode. Luckily tonight there's going to be a repeat of the episode at 8pm on AXN. I am a reality tv show junkie.. name any reality tv show, ive seen them all. But i mostly like Survivor and The Amazing Race. So, if you havent seen the first episode of the 2nd season of the amazing race asia like me.. don't forget to tune in to AXN at 8pm tonight! ;-)

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