Christmas shopping
I am done with xmas shopping (for my own self, that is hehe) What i bought? well, let the pictures do the talking:
I only planned on buying the purple dress but since the denim jacket & yellow whaddaya-call-it was on sale, so i grabbed it. I dont think i'll be buying any new shoes coz i still have my purple shoes i bought at China last summer, that i rarely wear and it still looks like new. I still have a list of stuff to buy before christmas. Hopefully i can finish it up latest by next week.
Christmas family gathering for mom's side is going to be held here, at my house. I was against the plan of having it be held here coz i like going back to Goshen, Kota Marudu (my kampung) it brings back all kiddie memories, and i guess thats why christmas is more felt there. But since my grandfather was the one who wanted it to be held here, i guess its set. I just hope many relatives of mine from Goshen will be able to come here during christmas.
Tuesday night i went to the SASS Alumni fundraising dinner with my family. I didnt want to go at first, but after thinking for a couple of hours i decided to go coz ive got nothing to do at home, plus i dont want to be left all alone at home. The pictures below are just some of the pictures that me and my cousins took during the dinner. There were lots of old friends that i met there but didnt have a chance to talk to all of them what more take pictures with them. The best part of it all was meeting my cousin, vivi who just came back from Penang last sunday.