Maxis Tour

My brother "won" a contest from Maxis. A contest that he didnt even participated in. The reward was, he get to bring along 1 person to Promenade Hotel for dinner and meet & greet session with artists from Akademi Fantasia (AF), Nubhan & Saida.

I was never a fan of AF.. Never have, never will be. Although i got to admit this AF thingy is good for the people of our country (atleast those who participated in AF) to prosper through their talent.

When my brother told me about his "winning" and said that Saida & Nubhan will be at the hotel, i was like.. Nubhan?? hmmm.. mana satu tu ahh?? hahahah. Everyone knows who Saida is..she's kinda famous even if she didnt win. she's the big sis of Siti Nurhaliza. Anyways, here are some pictures of last tueday at Promenade Hotel.

For a non-fan person, i kinda look excited here hahahah

Nubhan and I

My bro, Nubhan & I


Me and Saida...

Oh, and if you're wondering whether the food was great or not, well.. it was hehe especially the fish with thai sauce :-D


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