If I Ain't Got You

I have like, a pile of papers (tests, midterm examination papers) lying on my table waitinng for me to mark them. I figured while marking them, i should listen to some raw, undiscovered talent on Youtube. One of my all time favourite song is "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys. So i watched a bunch of covers, then it hit me.. I haven't done a cover of that song. This song is a must song to sing when i go karaoke.. lagu wajib la in short :)

I haven't done any recordings in a while, to be honest i'm just plain lazy :P i need to up my level of motivation like i had last year. I could record 3 - 4 song in a night! and then post them up the next day.

I need to get my mojo back.

p/s: i was going to blog about my experience running the marathon and then upload some pictures of the event but i changed my mind hehe. I'll just blog about it tomorrow :)

Have a nice evening people... i'm going to go jogging after work (if the weather permits) It's Friday tomorrow!! yeayy


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