The Busy Weeks.

It's been very busy for us at work. Lots of things were happening.. hence, the lack of updates. We had the MQA thingy going on with our department, sending practical students to their respective places of practical (me, at Labuan) and then we had the MASISWA annual sports meet.

But after all that... It's time to party!! What a relief it felt after everything has passed. Here are some of the pictures of the passed weeks.

A small farewell party for Polli (the one poking her nose) with a bunch of close colleagues

An appreciation lunch given to the committee members of the MASISWA sports carnival. We were the host this year :) (Memel, Dedel & April)

Preparation of the MASISWA sport.

This was taken at Kasih Sayang Resort at Kokol. Taken by MJK.

Everything is back to normal now. I'm gonna post regularly from today onwards!

It's friday everyone, Have a nice weekend!!


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