Cupcake Bake.

There's alot of things that i have not done in so long! one of them is baking. Me and my colleagues love to eat and watch cooking shows i.e. masterchef, junior masterchef, DC cupcakes, Cupcake girls.. just to name a few. Two of us came of with the idea of baking cupcakes this weekend and try to perfect it like DC Cupcakes' cupcakes.

I've got my ingredients ready :D Just waiting for the right time to bake hehehe. Is there such thing as a right time to bake? hmmm.. -.-

Milk, cream cheese, margerine (i prefer using margerine everytime),
my chopped walnuts, sugar & flour.

Oh, just so you know i'm planning to bake carrot cupcakes since i love carrot cakes :)
I'm so hoping the cupcakes will turn out fine and dandy. But most importantly, it is edible hahah!

I don't know if i'll be able to join the zombi-fied sunday run organized by the AdiNation of runners KK on facebook. My left knee kinda hurts when i walk so i'll maybe use that time to bake instead of run!


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