
As seen on the previous entry, my sister is SO into photography right now. Its her new hobby!..its all she talks about like, almost everyday. She's not the only one who's gotten the photography bug.. looks like ive been bitten too. Here's some of my work:

Family fruit plantation or kabun as people around here like to say, hahaha

Doulos MV


Random pics at home

Gaya Street

the puppy was begging me to take him home (yes, him..i checked his gender) but as much as i want to take him, i had to leave him there.. :-( Dad's order.

Kinarut Beach

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said…
nice collections! i like the 6th one.. @ KK Port.. the sun almost setting down.. the sun ba.. is it original like dat or it was photoshop-ed? nice oh.. heee..
Anonymous said…
oh.. i forgot.. i love the clouds too! like HDR dis.. ;)
Pammie Pajammie said…
the sun was originally like that. i only enhanced the colors la a bit, obviously

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