Rafting Revisited (w/ Pictures!)

The whole gang. Click on it for a better view :)
Pastor Feldinand doing his somersault.
Yours truly doing her dive heheh
Cass.. gaya bebas LOL!
Dorie.. doing her somersault while me and Charles look on.

The two 'berani mati' laydehs..

Ramai-ramai mandi sungai..bahagia kan??

Us, in action..
There's actually 200+ pictures, but i decided to upload the ones that have my face in it hohohohoho.

This friday, the same group (more or less) will be going hiking :) i'll blog about that next week!!

Oh, by the way.. all the pictures were taken by Weldy.

♥ P.


Uzoeiy @ Zoi said…
jeles sa del..mo pg rafting juga ni nanti.

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