Thursday is no day for dieting!

Yesterday was suppose to be the day i start"dieting". But 10-ish in the morning when i went to the kitchen to see what's for breakfast, there was rojak and kuih kauchung on the table..YUMMMYYY!! I forgot to snap the rojak, as i was too hungry..hehehe. After an hour or two of having rojak as my breakfast, i felt like the kauchung was calling me to the kitchen.. so i ate one lah hehehe. Please note that that was my first kauchung in this year.

Kuih Kauchung.

In the evening, my sister texted me and asked whether im cooking spaghetti for dinner. At first, i wanted to say "No" but i dont know what came into me, i texted back and said "Ya" I told her to buy the spaghetti, and soup and i'll make the sauce and meatballs.
After 30 minutes or so, it was aaaaallllllll gone.

Me and Kimberly, trying to act cute for the camera.. mwahahaha.


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