Evangelistic Meeting

There is an evangelistic meeting going on in our church from the 9th of July until the 24th of this month. The speaker, Mr Pedro Moraes is a senior theology student from Sao Paolo University, Brazil. I have already attented twice. I couldnt attend monday's session because there was this flood thing. Last night, i didnt attend it again not because i didnt want to but because my parents were bringing the truck instead of the Vigo, i could drive my own car to church but i was kind of lazy to hehe.

Cousin Beevy & I, after the meeting on friday. The aircond was super cold that night..

I was late that morning, so my parents left me (look at my face, i didnt even get to put on any make-up). luckily there is a 'second trip' that i could follow that morning.

Posing outside of the church, right after service..

This niece of mine already knows how to pose! and she's barely 2! Look how feminine she could pose haha..

Here are the details just in case anyone of you are interested in going:

Venue: SDA Menggatal Church
Time: 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Just so you guys know, I'll be singing for special song tommorow night :) (i haven't even decide on what song to sing, and i need to practice somemore.. yikes!)

See you guys there!


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