Ive got work to do

Oh man! Ive got serious work to do. I used to easily climb 3 flights of stairs without feeling winded. Now? I feel like my lungs are going to explode. Omg. Actually i just climbed 3 flights of stairs and i thought i was going to faint! LOL. 

My fitness level has reaaaallly gone waaay down ever since i started studying again. My doctorate degree is just too time demanding of me. If i could run 2x a week, i would be beyond happy if i could do that. Ive got a fullmarathon next week at Singapore and i have minimal/ zero training whatsoever. My strategy is just to go slow. Slow and steady. Gonna customize my playlist so the 42km wont be so lonely. 

I also have decided not to run any marathons for the time being (after sundown, that is) because i dont have time to train.  But i will still do ultra-trails, with condition that the event is during july - september. My course is expected to end in 2016 *fingers crossed*. Maybe for the time being, i could do other things like baking and travel. 

We'll see.


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