Deck The Halls

Sepa tau lagu Deck The Halls? mesti suma tau ba kan??
Bah, mari kita nyanyi ramai-ramai kie..

satu..dua.. tiga!

Deck the malls with stuff from China,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Hats and Bratz and Dad's reclina,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Don we non-U.S. apparel,
Fa la la, deficit, blah blah blah!
Shrug "Oh, well" and watch Will Ferrell,
Fa la la la la and la-di-da!

HAHAHAHA.. so hilarious the lyrics. "deck the malls with stuff from China?" LMAO.
Reader's Digest did a good job on the lyrics :-) Just click HERE for more funny christmas carols.


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