Last Week

My entries will be backposts for a while heheh. I have been delaying a lot of posts you might as well call me the queen of procrastination! Ive got loaaads of pictures to show as i have been here and there..

These were taken last week. Just read the captions for explanation heheh..

At church, playing with my baby niece Clarissa Angel

Kimberly and me.. It was her debut as a flower girl that day for a cousin's cousin's wedding.

Me, mom and Kimberly.. last shot before we head ourselves home. That same evening, i packed my bags and headed to Kota Marudu (will talk about this in the next post :))

They're all my cousins - Me, Ita, Iuq & Josie (except for Josie, who is my sister)

My niece Kimberly took this while i was waiting for mansau time. She was begging me to let her take my picture, being a good aunt that i am *wink* i let her handle my camera. She's 4 years old, and im always scared if i let her play with the camera, she'll drop it or whatever.



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