All i want for xmas..

I know christmas is still far away but i already know what i want for christmas this year!

Colorsplash Lomography camera. It uses film rolls but who cares?! it has its colorwheel tinted flash filters for instant selection & there are 12 colors to choose. I want this because The Colorsplash gives a billion of new, extra possibilities for random and colorful experimentation and i'll never know what exactly's going to come out.

... I so want this!


miaomiao said…
All i want for xmas is a T-Mobile Sidekick....! Hahahaha, i know its impossible sbb tida kena jual d malaysiaa, lama sdh sa cari.. but well.... manatau in the future kan! *hopefullyyyyy........* =P
Pammie Pajammie said…
actually tu yg sa mo ba! but, since teda sini malaysia (how sad) i opt for something else la! lepas sa tingu 'just my luck' trus sa mo oh t-mobile sidekick!! lets hope it comes here very soon! ;-D
miaomiao said…
haha.. byk kan wayang guna tu.. 'the devil wears prada', 'material girls', 'heroes', 'the hills'........ and the list goes on.....

kin jealous kan, siuk tgk durang pusing2 tu hp!! :P

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