
I have been having some computer problems for about 2 days. Apparently there has been a virus in my computer and it unabled me to access my C: and D: normally (double clicking it). So i texted almost everyone about it. My bro suggested me to format my pc but a friend of mine told me to try find some solutions first.

This is how it looks like when i double click it to enter C: or D:

I scanned my pc online using 3 different antiviruses (kaspersky, bitdefender and er.. i kinda forgot the name of it. Hness, maybe u can help me here since you suggested it to me! hehe)Of all three, only BitDefender detected the virus. I scanned my pc yesterday using AVG twice but nothing appeared. So, to make a long story short, i found my solution Here.

Pheww, i am sooo relieved now.

Ok, end of story.. gotta go exercise now. Need to sweat it all out.

Have a good weekend, y'all!

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Anonymous said…
yg first av(antivirus) tu trend micro housecall. nahhh nasib ko sabar kan pammie, bejaya juga akhirnya. lega betul kan hehe.
Pammie Pajammie said…
ya ba.. thanks ahh!! nanti sa blanja ko ngiuchap! :-D

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