
I hate mondays. Especially this week's monday..which is today. I was woken up at 7.30a.m (7.30a.m!!!!) by a phone call made to my landline. I didnt want to pick it up but i thought maybe it was like an emergency call or whatever (silly..silly me) so i unwillingly dragged my half asleep body to the livingroom to pick up the phone:

Me: hello?
Annoying Jerk (AJ): hello del, ko cuti bah kan skarang? (you're having your holidays now right?) - i was thinking *so early in the morning, and you're asking me thiiiisss???
Me: *trying to sound polite* Tidak lah, kenapa? (No, why?)
AJ: Oh,, apa sudah tu number HP ko tu? (Oh,, what's your HP number again?)
Me: *lying* umm, hilang fon sa jadi teda guna sa bagi number sa sama ko kan? (umm, i lost my phone so there's no use in giving you my number now right?)
AJ: kenapa ko tia mo bagi number ko sama sa? bukan sa mo buat apa2 juga..(why can't you give me your number?im not going to do anything) - i know he knows im lying but i dont care. im not giving it out.
Me: Sudah sa kestau kan..(i told you why already)
AJ: Bah ok lah. Ko free ka ni malam? (Ok, so are you free tonight?)
Me: Tidak. sa ada klas (nope. got class)
AJ: Bah kalu gitu bisuk2 sa kol la. bye (oh, ok i'll call you again some other day.bye)
Me: .. *hangs up*

On why i didnt wanna give him my number? HE is the reason why i changed my number in the first place. I'd be crazy to give him my number again. He is such an annoyance to my life..he calls up at the most inappropriate hours of the day and the only topic he has in mind is SEX! what am i? his bootycall? sheeeshh!


miaomiao said…
bootycall? wahahahahahhaa... mcm sa tau oo sepa tu urg :P:P..
punya awal 7.30am lg tu..
dia bgn2 trus dia anu baito hahaha, tu la cari ko.. wkakakaka :P:P
Anonymous said…
haha pammie, kasian ko. ko dengar ja suara dia lain kali ko ckp helo2 ja banyak kali trus kasi off haha.
Pammie Pajammie said…
hahahah.. sa perna tu dlu buat gitu hness. tapi kalu balik2 buat gitu ketara la kan juga :P nanti la kalu dia kol lagi sa buat bgtu "helo? helo? helo? silaka.. kol2 tia mo cakap. hmmph!" trus sa ampai hehehe
Pammie Pajammie said…
eee ya ba angel.. yucksyucksyucks!

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