
Today was a tiring day. I woke up at 7.45am, left the house at 9am and got back at 5pm. It's not that i went to work or anything (me??? working?? ..i dont think so. well, at least for now la hehe) I left home early coz my siblings had stuffs to attend to. Me? well, i tagged along just because i hate being along at home. After lunch at the airport, we parted ways with Josie.. she is flying to Labuan for an audit assignment there for four days.
I went to karamunsing today to buy some empty dvds for my CSIs. I was looking for dvds that are bigger than 4.7gb and i did found some but it was sooo expensive. like, rm12.90 each. Its expensive coz im planning to buy like, 10 dvds. The 4.7gb dvds ofcourse la cheap but my CSIs cant fit in it :-( i guess i'll have to copy them to my PC lah.. sampai mana ja yang muat.
I am subscribing to e-diets newsletters and i just received an email on "keeping the weight off permanently" but i havent read it hehe. I think these kind of newsletters are useful, especially for people like me! Lately, i have been so malas to exercise. Today im skipping exercise agian coz i think ive had enough exercising jalan2 today :-P
Some of you asked me why a new start? Do you ever get the feeling where you just dont know what you're doing anymore and everything that you see just dont make sense anymore? aahh.. that was what i was feeling. I overhauled my room, made some re-arranging to it, deleted old, unwanted e-mails in my inbox, delete pictures (yes.. pictures! those that tick me off). Luckily i didnt cut my hair! hahaha. Lastly, delete the old blog. After doing all that, i surprisingly feel much better. Like the void has been filled, or something like that. So, have i answered your Q about starting anew? hehe..


wIn^ said…
:P hey pammie, where did you get yourself a complete CSI collection? :) wahh.. dengkilaa. i've found a cheaper dual layer dvd in karamunsing actually.. it's only rm9.90. but what is the different la kan. only rm2 different.. still rm99 for 10. :P
Pammie Pajammie said…
Mr Gil Grissom gave me! hahaha.. tida ba, i bought it at manila. so easy to buy complete set of tv series sana. daripada sa beli 10 8.5gb dvds, i think it would be wiser for me to buy an external HD trus.. kan??
wIn^ said…
;) ooo, no wonderlah.. ko mo plan pi sana lagi.. hehehehe! yaa, bagus lagi beli external HDD. :) good collection ;) oh ya! i haven't wish you a Happy Merdeka Day! :) Selamat Hari Merdeka ;)

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