Whining Time

I am a whiner. big time.. and right now, i feel like whining on how fat i feel. I was whining about the same thing im whining now on monday and my mom and sister was telling me that im not that fat. My frame is big. No matter how skinny i get, i still will be big because im a Big GirL. Of course they wont tell you you're fat because they're family..and they see you like, all the time. I suppose im not really fat but i just feel like it.
I remember when i was actually bigger than myself now and lost a whole bunch of weight. How on earth did i do that???? Maybe i was motivated. Or maybe it's easier to lose weight when you're bigger? I dont know.

I just need motivation. I am positive i can untightened my clothes back (before june) hahahaha..

Let's put the "P" back in Positivity.


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