Going Public.

I used the public toilet of Centre Point today. euuuwwww!!! All because the place that i work suddenly had no water *sigh*.. I was actually walking aimlessly around Popular (i've got no lectures for the whhhoooollllleeee day! woohoo!!) when suddenly i had the urge to pee. So i rushed to the public toilet at Palm Square

..and guess what?








..There's no water supply juga..and I had to TOUCH the walls of the cubicle (because i wanted to get on the seats -- i NevEr sit in public toilets) euww, and when i wanted to wash my hands (i didnt know there wasnt any water that time.. only when i wanted to wash my hands the makcik there said "tiada air..sampai petang") i saw puke in the sink. Nasty. DOUBLE EUW!! That's the last time im going in KK's public toilet.

p.s - okay, maybe it wasnt as aimlessly as i thought roaming around Popular would be. I saw the book New MoOn and i bought it that instant. Ive been wanting to have the hardcopy of the books and i've got one now yeayyy.. three more books to hunt! :)

p.s.s - i think i mentioned in one of my past posts that ive got the complete twilight saga e-books. I love e-books but it's hard to read an e-book when you're not in a sitting positin, no? i like to lie on my bed and read my book without caring anything in the world, just so you guys know :) see how nerdy i can get sometimes.

This is my 3rd post of the day. Wow, it's been a while since ive been this enthusiastic on blogging hahaha. Alrighty, im gonna shut up right now. I'll save some for tomorrow hehe. Do watch American Idol Tonight, ya pipoll!!!



Anonymous said…
I can imagine the gazillion of germs thanking your hand for rescuing them! LOL!

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